
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thrift Shop Finds

D. and I walked over to the local church thrift shop to drop off some stuff and I found these:

Several back issues of Martha Stewart Living in perfect condition. You do know I like Martha, right? (See here, here, here, here okay you get the idea.) Best part, they were only a quarter each. Yesssssssssss.

I really need to do what this articles says and organize our very messy desk. Uggh.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What I Wanted to be When I Grew Up

Like most children, I had a vague notion of what I wanted to be when I grew up, but these phases never lasted too long, I thought I would share with all of you what some of my "dream occupations" once were. I do hope you get a good chuckle or two. They will be posted in chronological order. :)

(found via google images)

I really have no idea why, but the first thing I ever remember wanting to be was an American Gladiator. And this was the event that I wanted most to do.

(image found here)

Now this one lasted quite some time, I wanted to be a model. I am not sure where this idea came from either. But it lasted a long time. I even, yes it's embarrassing, filled out an application for America's Next Top Model. My cousin filmed my audition tape. It was really corny.

(found via google images)

Heavily influenced by Steve McGarrett from my favorite tv show of all time, Hawaii Five-0, I wanted to be a cop. Yep, and I was going to be a cop in Hawaii on the imaginary task force Five-0. I was a devotee of Hawaii Five-0, I used to watch the old reruns every day.

(found here)

From watching too much E.R. I decided I wanted to be a nurse. It took me a couple of years to realize that I do not like blood and guts, I am even afraid of getting vaccines!

So, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays 5

I know it is Friday, I meant to post this yesterday but I got distracted by a Molly Ringwald movie last night.  And that doesn't happen very often, well ever really.

I have liked these paper orbs for such a long time and I just stumbled upon the original source of the photo by chance. Sometimes the internet is not as big as you think. They are made by Cathy of California, who also specializes in 60s-70s crafts. Take a look at these...

Flowers made on a flower loom. Kits can be found here. Oh the possibilities are endless! Maybe I need one? Well, maybe I don't but it would be nice to have.

Wow, this is sort of an homage to Cathy of California. On to more things I love.

I have this bad habit of forgetting to take my multivitamin in the morning. I thought I could put my vitamins in this owl pillbox and carry them around in my purse. D. never forgets to take his vitamins, which explains why his vitamin bottle is much lighter than mine.

I like the nostalgic feel of this print. And what can I say, I like real food.

I would love, love, love to make myself a springtime flower crown.

My mother-in-law got me this darling dress for my birthday. I'm being good and saving it for Easter. It is soooo cute!

This tea set was compiled from thrifted items, I like the eclectic mix. A fun idea for any tea drinking friend.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good Morning

This week is my spring break and I am so glad I did not tell my job that I could work more hours this week. This way I actually get a break. So what's earning a few extra dollars? You know what they say "Mo' money, mo' problems". Ha, ha, ha! Anyway... Whilst I am enjoying a cup of coffee from my ginormous teacup, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite blogs and a few of my favorite posts from them. It is soooooooo nice not to have to rush off in the morning!

A Beautiful Mess- what's not to like? Elsie is super creative and very hard working, it's fun seeing her hard work pay off through her and her sister's cute little shop Red Velvet. Check out this post.

Here's Looking At Me Kid-a line in reference to one of my favorite movies, Casablanca. Mandi posts reviews about movies, shares pictures of her cute apartment and does regular vintage outfit posts. I like how she only bought local or handmade gifts for people at Christmas time. I would like to try that all year long for birthdays and holidays.

Casey's Elegant Musings-The first blog I started reading daily, almost three years ago. Casey is quite the seamstress who loves vintage and enjoys baking. I read her post for homemade vanilla extract, and made some myself. Her blog reallly makes me want to learn how to sew, so now I am saving my pennies for a machine.

Well there you go, I do hope you have a lovely day and relish in the fact that it is spring!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fill In The Blank

While perusing through the archives of this scrumptious blog (I must make these tiramisu cuppity cakes), I came across a fun little questionnaire, and since I never do questionnaires I decided to do one. Here goes...

1. When do you feel happiest? When the weather is warm, the sun is shining and I am crafting something that I was inspired to make. That would actually make me feel sort of overwhelmingly happy. The sunshine just does that to me.

2. How do you take care of yourself? I'm a vegetarian (ok, pescatarian) but I do oh so love homemade sweets. I try to stay away from anything that comes in a brightly colored package or that has some sort of cartoon-ish looking character on it. Even as a child I thought those brightly covered frozen TV dinners with the penguin on it look scary and weird. I never, ever ate one. I think making food from scratch is the best for you since you are able to control the quality of what you're eating.

3. Are you internally or externally motivated? Internally, I think you have to want to do something without the promise of being recognized or rewarded.
4. What do you do for fun? Cook with my dear husband, it's our weekend thing to do. Sunday is our only day off together so we find a yummy recipe to make, drink wine, listen to American Roots on NPR and watch old movies. I also like to find deals at thrift stores, embroider, craft, write letters to pals, and eat breakfast. I really like breakfast.

5. What intimidates you? Hmmm, I'm not sure.

6. What is something you are proud of? I'm really proud (is this like tooting my own horn?) of the work ethic that my parents instilled in me.

7. Finish the sentence: I never... want to eat goat cheese or go on a cross country bus trip EVER AGAIN!

8. Favorite vacation spot? My grandparent's house, it has been the one constant in my nomadic life and I love them so much.

9. Today is a (rate from 1 to 10) Around a seven I guess, nothing too grand but it is getting warmer. Yay spring!

10. Finish the sentence: If you knew me really well you'd know... I think I was born in the wrong time period. In fact I'm off by about sixty years. Yep, sixty. No television sets, computers, cell phones or internet for me. I'd be totally cool not to have any of these things, this blog included, and to live in a small town where my primary mode of communication was talking to a person face-to-face. Everyone would know me and I would know everyone. My occupation would be a farmer who made crafts. I would have cows, and chickens and lots and lots of vegetables. *Sigh* My heart is pining away for the farm I never had and the people I never knew.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Loot

I celebrated my quarter century birthday on Sunday (OMG times 93!), what a lovely deceptively spring like day it was too! I didn't even wear a jacket when we went out, I probably should have though, since I nearly ran to the car so I wouldn't catch a chill. I thought I would share pictures of my fun birthday loot.

Flowers from D.

D. and I watched Donovan's Reef last night, his first time watching it. The funny thing is it is supposed to be set in French Polynesia yet they speak Hawaiian. Hmm...

A super cute owl teapot to add to my ever growing collection of teacups, tea and teapots.

New tea.

Can never have too much Martha.

Thanks Grandma!

A new craft to try.

Yay, a new ukulele! D. already gave me a lesson, since it's been 11 years since I've played, and I am well on my way to learning the Times They Are a-Changin'. That D. sure is a good teacher.
(The blurr in my right hand is an Indian cookbook that I am violently shaking for some reason.)