
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays 3

It's that time of the week again, I really like doing this little feature; making a mental list of things that I've been enjoying lately and then sharing them all with you. <3

To Catch a Thief, what a fun movie with plenty of tongue-in-cheek dialogue with two if the most elegant and charming actors. I do believe it is one of my favorite movies.

This cow shadow box, how fun it would be do have a menagerie of animal shadow boxes all along the wall.

Pretty felt necklaces.

red lipstick solves it all

Lovely red lipstick. This semester I've decided to wear red lipstick every day to school, it is rather fun. Red lipstick just has a way of making a person feel oh, so glamorous.

There is a list of the latest, I'm off to write some papers!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Giveaway Time!

Since Valentine's Day is just a few weeks away, I'm giving away ten of my Valentine's Day tags over at The Army Goes Rolling Along, so jump on over to her blog and enter to win!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays 2

Wow, this week went by so fast! Here are a few more things that I like...

Vintage inspired oxfords.

A very informative post on making laundry detergent. I am so excited to try it out. Yes, it is possible to be excited about making laundry detergent. :)

I loooooooooove this collection. The shelving is actually a converted baby changing table, so inspiring!

How I would love to be at this crafting party!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It Has Begun

The busyness has officially begun, classes three days a week and ten hour workdays in
between. I don't want to forsake you little blog; really I just want to craft all day, take photos and be inspired. But there is little time for crafting now. *Sigh*

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Of Boots and Hobo Shoes

This week my boots bit the dust. They were my $30 special and lasted about a year; I can't expect too much out of $30 after all. They started falling apart and the toe started lifting so much that they started to resemble an old fashioned hobo shoe. My boot kept flapping up when I walked, which wouldn't be too bad but there is snow on the ground. I decided that I should invest in some quality boots that will last awhile, and I found these lovelies.

And guess who makes these? Ugg. I know it, I can't believe it either. The price is a bit of a jump, considering I paid $30 for my last pair of boots, but I told you how far thirty bucks got me. :) I am trying to think up some clever ways to earn some extra money on the side so that I don't tap into the budget. So I've listed some old books on Amazon, and of course there is always my little shop.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Things I Love Thurdsays 1

Today I am starting a new weekly feature where I will post about things that are currently striking my fancy. I know love is a strong word, I really mean "like a lot" but love sounds better. I have this habit of pulling pictures that I like from the internet onto my desktop, but not remembering where I pulled them from. So if anyone knows the original source of these photos, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.

(One) Love the teeny cranes and the colorful clothespins, hmm what a good idea for my bedroom!

(Two) The cutest idea for a vintage suitcase.
(Three) What my desk could possibly look like if I kept it decluttered.

(Four, I do know the source for this one; me) Frosty sitting chairs.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mini Shop Update

I am sticking to my resolution by updating my shop, yay! The update is mini, but the items are mini too. And it has a Valentine's Day theme. <3

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pom Pom Fun

Last year around Valentine's Day, I recruited D. to help me make an Anthropologie inspired pom pom garland I saw online. It took quite a long time (we did it the "old-fashioned" way by wrapping  the yarn around our fingers), but now it is proudly displayed over my vanity mirror.

D. you really are a good sport, thank you.
For Christmas, D. bought me these Clover pom pom makers  in the large size and the small size. Now I can whip up uniform sized pom poms lickety split! Here are some other things you can make with pom poms.

This cute necklace/scarf; here is the DIY.

This charming fireplace garland. I love the use of canisters on the mantle. I do like to see how people display their canisters. I've somehow acquired 4 sets of them and I can only decant so much flour and sugar!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Fare Thee Well Frasier

It is a sad day today, we took down all of the Christmas decorations (we keep them up until epiphany, which was yesterday) and got rid of dear Frasier. Frasier sure did make our apartment cheerful and cozy. But before we took the lights off of the tree, I hung up our first Christmas ornament that I finally finished today.

D. glued the rickrack on the gingerboy on the right and had the idea for him to hold the candy cane. The one on the left is a girl, see her eyelashes? I didn't have any lollypop stems so I used a q-tip for the stick.

I will have such fun pulling this gingerbread couple out year after year and thinking about how happy our first Christmas was. Oh, look at the love in their little felt eyes. <3

Thursday, January 6, 2011


D. and I realized that we don't have many pictures of the two of us, and the ones that we do have are all in digital files somewhere. There is something so nice about have an actual printed picture to hold and look at, so I am going through the daunting task of finding the photos, printing and organizing them so that they won't get lost in the digital cloud.

My mom had a plethora of Chinese hats (why, I'm not sure) we all had lots of fun taking pictures.

We were country mountain circle dancing at summer camp, we were supposed to dress up western, I rebelled. This combo is kind of like Nelly and Tim McGraw.

Halloween 2009, too much fun. The two of us, plus my sister and her baby, dressed like this to go out to breakfast. Oh, the stares we received. Three pirates and a Tigger.

My favorite. <3

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fun With Naturecraft

I was going through some of my books today and I opened up this vintage craft book that I picked up at a library book sale several years ago.

It's full of great ideas of cute little things to make out of natural objects. And every chapter begins with the word "fun", what could be better?

I like this chapter "Fun with Nuts" even though I dislike walnuts immensely (they squeak when you eat them), many types of projects can be made out of their shells.

One of my favorite projects out of the book would be this walnut raft. If only my nephews lived nearby we could craft up a few of these and let them float away.

The teepee scene is just too cute, I am going to have to go out and hunt around for twigs to make into trees, rocks to make into boulders and a big piece of bark to use as the ground. This idea reminds me of hunting for rocks last year...

An alternative to a bird feeder; a threaded spool for birds to make their nests out of string.

Forget about a ship in a bottle, how about a cucumber in a bottle? I remember trying to grow a cucumber once, but I watered the plant too much and killed it. But this cute project is worth another shot at growing cukes.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year Means New Things

Well, I am officially getting back into the swing of things around here, after all of the holiday excitement it's back to business as usual. School starts in less than a week (so soon!) and then I will be a very busy little bee indeed. I made this scrumdiddlyumptious dessert for New Year's Day.

 It is a Buche de Noel, which resembles the traditional yule log. It turns out that most of the people that I made this dessert for had no idea what a yule log was, *gasp*! My log was the less fancy version of this one, since my candy thermometer was broken, (that explains why I burned the sugar so badly for the frosting, the result being a frosting-less log). I will definitely be making this as a yearly tradition. I do love traditions <3.

Since I am on the subject of New Year's, here are

I like making resolutions, they are like making promises to yourself and setting goals for the new year. And by posting them for everyone to see, it is a way to keep me accountable too. :)

1. Update my etsy shop semi-regularly, for now I will try at least once every 1-2 months.

2. Learn to crochet and not get mad. Something about crocheting just doesn't click with me and I end up with a long chain and nothing else. Then I just unravel the chain and wind up with a tangled mess of yarn. I will use these little lovelies as my inspiration.

3. Get 1,000 blog hits per day, now this is an ambitious one but with the help of Elsie's fabulous e-course Blog Love it can be done.

4. Pick up the ukulele again, when I was a young'n I lived in Hawaii and used to play, but I have since long forgotten how.

I'm excited to get started. Hooray for 2011!