
Monday, January 10, 2011

Pom Pom Fun

Last year around Valentine's Day, I recruited D. to help me make an Anthropologie inspired pom pom garland I saw online. It took quite a long time (we did it the "old-fashioned" way by wrapping  the yarn around our fingers), but now it is proudly displayed over my vanity mirror.

D. you really are a good sport, thank you.
For Christmas, D. bought me these Clover pom pom makers  in the large size and the small size. Now I can whip up uniform sized pom poms lickety split! Here are some other things you can make with pom poms.

This cute necklace/scarf; here is the DIY.

This charming fireplace garland. I love the use of canisters on the mantle. I do like to see how people display their canisters. I've somehow acquired 4 sets of them and I can only decant so much flour and sugar!

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