
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nesting To Do List

Saturday was my last official day of work, which means I have some time to do some things around the apartment before little baby comes. So being the list maker that I am, I decided to make a to do list to keep me on track.

(source with added text by me)

1. Laundry.

 Uggh, no fun. Let me tell you, that little baby has enough clothes for me to not have to do laundry for a long time after he's born. That's the hope anyway! And of course I used this laundry detergent.

I also have one of these handy guys that help with the laundry (I hang dry almost everything and this laundry octopus from IKEA saves a lot of space, I have named it the Under-Octo).

2. Make Copious Amounts of Food and Freeze It. 

This is probably one of the most important things to do, so that all of us can eat in the days following little baby's coming home. D. was so nice and went on a ginormous shopping trip with me last night to pick up groceries. I've been a busy little bee in my teeny weeny kitchen cooking up food. Last night I made a big batch of minestrone soup following the recipe in the book above. Then I made a huge pot of beans so I can make these scrumptious sounding freezer burritos by Shutterbean. And the food list goes on and on, but I shan't mention any more.

3. Finish Up School

So this doesn't really fall into the "nesting" category but, finals are on the Monday, and little baby's due date is Tuesday---eep!

4. Clean the bathroom

I ate-hay eaning-clay the athroom-bay. I really, really do. I'm going to use this recipe for a bathroom cleaner spray, and try using this idea as a scrubbing method.

5. Mail out Christmas packages.

I like the way this one sounds, nice and fun!

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