
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trimming the Tree and Decking the Halls

Being newly married, this is D. and my first official Christmas together. I grew up in a family that always used a fake Christmas tree, while his always had a fresh tree. I was never very fond of the way my family's thin fake pencil tree looked so D. and I decided to go out and buy a live tree. I quite liked the experience of picking out a real tree, even though we just went to Lowe's. I was a bit silly though and failed to bring a coat, scarf, gloves, hat or anything that keeps a person warm in December, with me. D. kindly offered me his coat. We picked out a nice little 6 foot frasier fir and put him in the front seat of our car. It was kind of funny riding with a Christmas tree in the passenger's seat. We didn't have any way to strap it to the top of the car, so this was the next best thing.

D. with Little Frasier (I named him).

We found this record this summer at Salvation Army, it's now one of my favorites.

"Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, how lovely are your branches."

Here's a peek at some of the ornaments we put on our tree.

In honor of my little dachshund who lived to be sixteen. She passed away last month.

These are fun, I really do love Lucy. These are all from my mom and they all do some kind of motion; the one on the left stomps grapes, the middle one has knives that pop out, and the one on the right has a conveyor belt that moves chocolate.

When my nephew was little, he couldn't say Santa Claus, he said "Wannie Claus". And it just kind of stuck. So this is old fashoined Wannie Claus. He looks okay from the front...

...but the side is a little questionable.

1 comment:

  1. The Wannie Claus looks like he has a melon in his gullet. =D
