
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Things I need*

*okay, so I don't need any of these things, I just like making lists.
I really need 10,080 feet of baker's twine. I've had my heart set on this for so long. I can think of a plethora of things I can do with this string. Right now I really want to pack up sandwiches for d. to take to school with him. I will wrap them up in wax paper and tie them with baker's twine, all while pretending it is 1951. 

These cutie-patootie PowWow princess moccasins from Darlingtonia.

And finally, this pom-pom maker from Clover. I had no idea that such things existed, I used to make them the old school way by wrapping yarn around cassette tapes. But cassette tapes are becoming harder and harder to come across. The last one I think I've seen was my sister's Titanic soundtrack. Oh, man.


  1. Are those moccasins you where inside the house or are they shoes?

  2. Wow, your recent burst of blogging is making me look like a slacker! (Of course, the fact that I'm posting this while I'm supposed to be working makes me a different kind of slacker...hmm...) I love those moccasins, they're so cool! And I've made pom poms by wrapping yarn around my hand, I guess using a cassette tape would make them more even though.
