
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Little Baby's Wips

What is a "wip" you ask? It is a work in progress. I could have just abbreviated it W.I.P, but that resembles something else too Halloweeny. Anyway I have a long list of things I want to make for my little baby but as soon as I begin one craft project I want to switch and start making another project. 

I have been working on #1...

The raccoon and the hot dog patterns are from Sublime Stitching's Camp Out! transfers.

Camp Out!
And I've also been working on #2...

It's a little lamb mobile from the book Baby Stuff. Now, to just get these two "wips" finished before jumping on to the next project!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Things For Baby DIY

Having a baby on the way has made me interested in a whole new realm of things that I never thought was possible. Like this for instance.

I am actually quite excited to try making these. Yes, it is possible to be excited about baby wipes!

While we're on the cleanliness topic how about this?

I've mentioned this DIY before, but it is worth mentioning again...homemade detergent is really inexpensive to make and is perfect for washing cloth diapers (since it's free from dyes and perfumes).

On to the cute stuff...

Cute way to document the age of your baby, just pose him next to the correct number and word and snap those photos!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Striking My Fancy

The internet is such a vast expense of time consuming blogs and websites brimming with creativity. Here's what's been striking my fancy lately.

Clever way to store your tea.

Oh, and this website. Warning, you could really spend a lot of time here.